PressDutch Mellon Medical prepares rolling out suturing technology platformJune 2021. Dutch Mellon Medical prepares rolling out suturing technology platform with first innovative single-handed suturing device the Switch® for AWCRead more
PressDutch Mellon Medical teaming up with MedTech designer DemconDutch Mellon Medical teaming up with MedTech designer Demcon to further advance major innovation in surgical single-handed suturing using the Switch®, supported by new financing.Read more
NewsMellon wins prestigious Charing Cross Dragon's DenA great recognition of the merits of the Switch suturing device by the international vascular surgery community as Mellon wins the prestigious 2016 Charing Cross Dragon’s Den Innovation Showcase competition.Read more
NewsCharing Cross Dragon's Den Innovation ShowcaseMellon has been invited to present at the Charing Cross Innovation Showcase, Dragon’s Den, during the Charing Cross International Symposium on the 27th of April.Read more